Hooters Manager Not Fired for the “Reindeer” Game on Undercover Boss

The manager of the Dallas area Hooters who made his waitresses eat a plate of beans with no hands, and called it the Reindeer game, has really been a lightning rod for online blog commentators.   While filming Undercover Boss, a CBS show,  they had Corby Brooks, CEO of Hooters America, visit a Dallas area Hooters store. There he encountered a manager named Jimbo (no kidding) who treats his waitresses like pets.  Or worse.  Jimbo said on camera that he does daily ‘inspections” so the Hooters is always putting out a good “product”.    Now, I admit to enjoying the atmosphere of Twin Peaks, but this Jimbo is a pig.   Degrading, slovenly and disgusting.   Everyone who has seen the show wonders why Corby didn’t fire him on the spot.   This particular restaurant of Hooters is a franchise, so legally he is not a direct employee of Hooters, however, a strong, hands on CEO, would have called a halt to the degrading scene on the spot and had the manager fired.   Anyone in business who is powerful can get anyone fired for bad conduct.  Period.

Their is an old Yiddish saying… bad fish stinks from the head (meaning a business that is rotten originates from the top).    Draw your own conclusions about Hooters my fellow readers.

Here are some comments I gleaned from a blog site.  You can google and find many others similar.


Babs: Mon 02/15/10 10:29 PM

I believe it is:

5821 Interstate 20 W
Arlington, TX 76017

(817) 516-9464


Mon 02/15/10 7:19 AM

Yeah, I have to call “shenanigans” on “Undercover Boss”. Jimbo was an actor. No doubt in my mind.

He was like Michael Scott gone wild. But seeing a picture of the CEOs daughters suddenly made him realize the error of his ways.


Pull the other one, guys.

  • A from Dallas
    Mon 02/15/10 1:34 PM

    Sadly, Jimbo is not an actor. I used to work with him. He was one of the managers (thankfully not the GM) at the first restaurant I ever worked for (not a Hooters). And he’s exactly the same now as he was 15 years ago, right down to the tray-spinning and the “2 shakes of a lamb’s tail”. He’s the same disgusting pig he always was!


Mon 02/15/10 3:27 PM

This guy was my former boss at Hooters in Irving, TX. He treats the girls like they are his pets. He once made us do this with whole jalapeno peppers. It made one girl so sick she threw up in the ice drain. And then he just laughed at us all because we had to do it.


Tue 02/16/10 10:23 AM

I am pretty sure that falls pretty far into sexual harrasment territory. If he ever does that again (or anyone else for that matter) you should sue.


You can read all the comments at  http://watching-tv.ew.com/2010/02/14/undercover-boss-hooters-episode-2/

The Twin Peaks Insider

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